Placing your life insurance policy in Trust is one of the best ways of making sure that the proceeds of the policy are paid to the right people at the right time, without any unnecessary delays.
What are the benefits?
Speedy payout – One of the main advantages of writing your policy in trust is the speed of the payout. As the proceeds of a life insurance policy that has been written in trust do not form part of your estate, your beneficiaries will not have to wait for probate to be granted. In straightforward cases, the insurer can often make payment within days of a claim being made.
If your policy were not to be in Trust, then there would be a delay in payment until a grant of probate was issued. This would be needed to administer the deceased person's estate. This could take several months.
Can help protect against inheritance tax – A trust is a great way of avoiding inheritance tax. If a claim was made then the proceeds of your life insurance are paid into the trust which means it doesn't form part of your estate when you die. If the proceeds are not part of your estate no tax will be levied.
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